Pan University Jewish Alumni Coalition
Change the Conversation. Address the Bias. Redefine the Playing Field on Your Campus.
Strengthening Jewish Communities on ALL Campuses
Resources from PAN-JAC and other organizations can help you write an op-ed, debate an anti-Israel activist, speak out against BDS, and foster a vibrant Jewish/Zionist community.
Interested in holding an impactful event for alumni or students? In addition to holding our own events, we offer a database of event elements that can be drawn from to support your event-creation.
With so many organizations, websites, and emails, it can be difficult to grasp all the ongoing efforts by those who share our values and goals. PAN-JAC brings varied streams of information together for all to access.
Did You Know…
On September 22, 2005, Israel withdrew all its citizens and installations from the Gaza Strip to the 1967 green line. The Palestinian residents then had freedom to self-govern. The Palestinian Authority held elections in 2006. Hamas won and has not held elections since.